Sunday, 23 April 2017

New Look, New Name, Same Me

10th March 2017 marked the fourth anniversary of my blog. Yep, you read that correctly, I have been sharing  - more like oversharing amirite? - my life and my loves with you guys for (over) four years now. I can't tell you where the time has gone, it seems like only yesterday I was sitting in my pokey uni flat, in a room full of annoying boys, trying to decide what my first blog post should be about (you can read it here if you fancy a laugh!)

Now I had planned to really make a big thing about my anniversary, there was going to be a giveaway, an excessive amount of instagram posts, a grand unveiling of my brand new, rebranded blog, maybe even my first ever Youtube video... the whole schmagoigel. At the very least cake was going to be involved, but alas! The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry - take 10 nerd points if you know this quote, take 10 more if you know the author.

And none of that happened. My life got really busy, I mean really busy and I didn't have the time. It's a shame but it happens. However I didn't want my fourth anniversary to go by completely unnoticed, even if it is nearly six weeks late.

The beady eyed amongst you will have noticed my blog's name change and redesign a couple of weeks ago, well now I have the URL to match. Lola Rock N Roses is no more! She served me well but we had outgrown each other, and it was time to move on. Say hello to Lauren with the Red Hair.

The last four years really have been quite an adventure. I've graduated twice. I fell in love, fell out of it. I was diagnosed with and learned how to cope with OCD. I left a shit job and started a great one. I've discovered a passion for the beauty industry that I never knew I had. And I have written, at last count, 294 blog posts, some good some really bad, on this small corner of the internet that I call home.

Here's to the next four years.

And - I know this is getting incredibly sappy, sorry - sincerely, thank you to anyone who has ever read anything I've written. It means the world xxxx

What have you been up to lately? Let me know by commenting below - I always reply so check back -, on twitter, or dropping me an email at Also check out my instagramfacebookbloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

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