I've been really getting into podcasts lately, I spend about 2 hours a day on buses to and from work, and it can get pretty tedious. Sometimes I read but more often than not it makes me feel travel sick. Mostly I just listen to music, but even that can get a bit monotonous sometimes. So I've been turning to podcasts to wile the hours I spend on public transport. Here's my top 3 podcast picks, that you need to listen to ASAP. Trust me, you won't regret it.
Missing Richard Simmons - listen to it on iTunes link
Missing Richard Simmonds is one of my favourite discoveries of this year. Hosted by Dan Taberski, it explores the life of American fitness guru Richard Simmons, who you'll know by his big hair and short shorts if not by name. In 2014 Simmons, a very public and outgoing celebrity, suddenly withdrew from the public eye. Taberski, a friend of Simmons' and a regular attendee at Slimmons (Richard Simmons' gym in LA), wants to find out why. The podcast follows the investigation of Simmons' sudden and unexpected disappearance. I was a bit dubious of the subject matter at first, but actually it's incredibly addictive listening. I was sucked into the story pretty much instantly. It's an incredibly layered and complex story, that is both completely fascinating and very sad.

S-Town - listen to it on iTunes link
S-Town is everywhere at the moment, and for good reason, it's excellent. S-Town follows radio reporter Brian Reed, who is contacted by John B McLemore, an antique clock restorer/genius living in Woodstock, Alabama, which he dubs Shit-Town. McLemore wants Reed's help in uncovering a murder that took place in S-Town and ultimately expose it for the corrupt shit town he thinks it is. However that's not what happens. The story twists massively and what starts as a murder inquiry turns into treasure hunt and an intense scrutiny of the eccentric and multi-faceted character that drew Reed to Shit-Town in the first place. I haven't finished listening to it yet, I've got an episode left, and am completely gripped. It starts off quite slowly but at the end of the second episode I was hooked. Like Missing Richard Simmons, it is sad but captivating.
Serial - listen to it on iTunes link
I've mentioned Serial before (read it here), and if you haven't listened to it yet then I have to ask, where have you been? The first season of Serial is incredible - we won't talk about the second one, which was not. Hosted by Sarah Koenig, a woman with a really great voice, Serial S1 investigates the story of Adnan Syed, who was convicted of the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 2000 and has been in prison ever since. From the very beginning it is utterly absorbing and incredibly frustrating, because you listen wanting a definitive answer that you're never going to get. It actually poses more questions than it answers. I've listened to it a few times now and every time I come away thinking... well did he do it? It is a must listen. It really is.
There are a ton of other podcasts that I really like, including: Ear Biscuits with Rhett and Link - link, which is a must listen for any youtube fans. Jenna and Julien Podcast - link, which is hosted by youtube legend Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend/fellow youtuber Julien Solemita. And Dear Hank and John - link, by Hank and John Green which, like everything the Green brothers do, is funny, opinionated, informative and brilliant.
What are you listening to right now? Let me know by commenting below - I always reply so check back -, on twitter, or dropping me an email at laurenwiththeredhair@gmail.com. Also check out my instagram, facebook, bloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.
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