Thursday, 7 May 2015

Trying again

Confession time: I've been struggling with Slimming World recently. I've been quite stressed lately and even though I'm feeling better about myself, I've lost weight and will continue to do so, when times are hard my first instinct is still to reach for chocolate... and cookies and crisps, basically all the really bad food and that's what I've done. When in doubt eat your feelings (don't really do that!)

It doesn't help that I'm not particularly organised. So when I haven't planned out what and when I'm eating then everything goes to shit. Last week I didn't lose anything, I didn't gain but I didn't lose, and I was really disappointed. I know I can do better. I tried to pick myself up and not to get too downhearted because I know that's not really gonna do me any good but some habits are hard to break and I have had another bad day this week. Now I know in the scheme of things one bad day isn't going to do much, one burger doesn't make you fat - I didn't have a burger but you get my point!- but it really has had such a negative impact on my frame of mind. I feel really down on myself about it and that sucks. I really want this to work for me, what I don't want is get to a certain point and give up. That's actually the last thing I want.

Basically the point of this post was to keep you updated on my progress and to be honest about it. It's easier on some days then it is on others and sometimes a girl just needs some pringles and/or chocolate, but the most important thing is to keep trying. To draw a line under it and carry on.

I believe it was the late, great Aaliyah who said 'if at first you don't suceeeeeeeed dust yourself off and try again. You can dust it off and try again. Try again!' - I bet you can't read that without singing it!


Has anyone else been struggling with this kind of thing lately? How do you pick yourself up when you're not at your best? Let me know on twitter, by commenting below, or even dropping me an email at Check out my instagram, facebook, bloglovin & pinterest for daily updates,

On that note I'm gonna go but I'll be back on Sunday with my April Favourites. Have yourselves a good weekend and I will see you then. 

Love love love xxx

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