Sunday, 3 May 2015

Colour Me Calm

Lately Adult Colouring Books have become a thing. Ergh! What is it with adding the word 'adult' to things that make it sound so creepy and x rated? What with me being an overgrown child and already owning  a well used and much loved Disney colouring book - Not ashamed! - you can imagine how excited I was to hitch myself to this bandwagon.

My bestie recommended Millie Marotta's Animal Kingdom, because she'd picked it up and found it to be a great stress reliever. OMG was she right! It is the most gorgeous colouring book. It's absolutely stunning, full of intricately patterned animals and flowers. It is so beautiful. Each page is a work of art in itself and that's BEFORE I've taken my pens to it. I have been seriously loving it! It's so relaxing and calming I find myself losing hours at a time just colouring the stress away. 

There are absolutely loads of adult colouring books around at the moment, particularly on amazon, so I will definitely be adding more to my collection soon, along with some more snazzy pens. God save me I love good stationary! 
Have you tried colouring in as a way of relieving stress? What colouring books have you been using? Let me know on twitter, by commenting below or dropping me an email at Also check out my instagram, facebook, bloglovin & pinterest for daily updates. 

Hope you guys have had a lovely week and I'll be back soon.

Until then...

Love love love xxx


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