Hello April!
It's been a long old time since I last sat down to write a blog post. Months even. I have a couple of reasons, none of which I'll bore you with now, because you'll have heard my excuses before. The important thing is I'm back now and glad to be posting again.
What strange and scary times we seem to have found ourselves in, eh? The important thing to remember is that everything passes, good and bad, including this. This too shall pass. We'll get through this. I keep telling myself that, and if nothing else it's something to cling too.
So April Goals, I haven't set myself any new goals THIS YEAR. Nothing. Nada. Not even New Year's Resolutions. But now seems like as good a time as any to give myself something to focus on. I need that now more than ever.
1. Get back into the swing of things
After nearly four months of absolutely no internet content from me whatsoever - it was Vlogmas, guys, it broke me - I'm planning on getting back into the habit of posting one blog post a week (on Wednesdays) and one video a week (on Thursdays). Partly, because I've missed it, dreadfully, but also because I need something to do. We're currently on lockdown here in the UK, with no idea of when that will change. I need to keep myself occupied, otherwise I'll go crazy. Making videos and writing blog posts is what I love doing, and too often I use the excuse that I don't have enough time to put off doing the things I love. Well now I've got too much time, I have to use it somehow. I've also been doing a lot of knitting, watching true crime docs on Netflix - Joe Exotic... wtf?! - , and spending far too much time on Disney +, as well as walking the dog, and rather boldly investing in a Nintendo Switch Lite to play Crash Bandicoot, purely for the nostalgia vibes. I'm also about four days away from buying a puzzle. All I'm saying is it'd be nice to do something constructive too.
2. Couch to 5K
At the moment, in the UK, we're allowed out once a day to exercise, which has become crucial to my state of mind. Whether it's walking the dog or going for a solo stroll, I'm finding myself more and more dependent on the one hour I get a day to get outside and feel the sun on my face.
Now, I'm not a natural runner. At all. The few attempts I've made at running on a treadmill at the gym have not gone well. I honestly think if I was running for my life I'd be the girl who breaks her leg before being brutally murdered... sorry, that was dark. However, now that I can only go outside once a day the idea of running has become downright appealing. So I'm going to give it a try.
My plan is to alternate between walking the dog and working my way through the Couch to 5K app, which I started last week and found... not hard, but certainly not easy. Although it wouldn't have been nearly as hard if I hadn't used my warm up to run full pelt around the park, think Phoebe's mad dash in Friends, developing a massive stitch and having to hobble the next two laps until the stitch eased. Still, at least I know what not to do next time.
3. Read four books
I've read two books this year, and that's it. I blame this on two things: 1. I started the year by reading a 900 page Jilly Cooper novel, it was Riders if you must know, which naturally threw me off course and 2. Since finishing Riders I seem to keep choosing books that I struggle to get into it and then either don't finish or take a really long time to read.
I had been aiming to read a book a week this year but I'm about 12 weeks behind to releastically achieve that goal now. Although, now that I have nothing but time on my hands I'm hoping to pick up the slack. Starting with four books in one month, which is downright achievable, I just have to make sure I'm picking something that will grab and keep my attention. Luckily, I've got a lot of books to choose from, thanks to my compulsive book buying habit.
4. Finish 'Making a Murderer'
This one is pretty self-explantory. I started watched season two of Making a Murderer last year, and was completely obsessed with it, until one day I just... stopped watching it. And there was no reason for it, because I'm still intrigued by the story, so it wasn't like I'd gotten bored.
I've got a really bad habit of leaving tv series unfinished, even if if its something I'm really into. I have no idea why this is, but I think its probably got something to do with my total lack of binge-watching mentality and my pathetic attention span. You guys know that I struggle to pay attention to anything for longer than 45 minutes, it was really hard for me to stick with Game of Thrones last year, and look how well that turned out - ICYMI: it didn't, the ending was awful!
Anyway, I've got nothing but time at the moment, so might as well fill it with the second half of MAM.
What are your goals this month?
L xxx
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