Wednesday, 17 October 2018

October Goals

Time has just slipped away from me these past few months. Everytime I think I’ve got a second to slow down and take a breath, another three weeks flies by. Honestly, cliched as it may to be to start a blog post this way, and it bloody is let’s be honest, but the speed at which this year has gone is nothing short of terrifying. But seeing as we’re here, already two weeks into October, let’s talk Goals shall we? 

Be happy 

I’ve realised recently that I spend a lot of time doing bullshit things that actively make me unhappy. Things that don’t make a lot of sense. Like waiting until the absolute last minute to get up in the morning so getting to work is a stressful, rushed mess, or not eating particularly well, or most frustratingly, spending hours and hours mindlessly scrolling through twitter or instagram. It’s exhausting. And the worst part is that I’m so busy doing bullshit things that I’m neglecting to do the things that I like and  that make me happy. Like going to the gym and playing my guitar. So I need to do more of the things that make me happy, less of the shit that doesn’t and maybe get a bit more sleep. That’s the secret to happiness, right? 

Be organised

I’m moving house in five weeks, and I’ve done nothing. Not a thing. I’ve started buying stuff, because obviously, but other than that nothing. And I just know that the next five weeks are going to fly by. The worst part is I’ve been living in my current house for 20 years and there is so much stuff shit that needs to be sorted through and got rid of. Dreading this already. 


It’s time I put my hands up and admit that I’m not very good at commitment. Not in the relationship sense, or in any other sense for that matter. My mind is incredibly changeable. I pick things up and put them down again in seconds. It’s like I’ve got the world’s shortest attention span. BUT I am quite a creative person and have tons of ideas and things that I want to do that won’t ever get done unless I actively commit to them and myself. So commit, Lauren, you silly arse! 

What are your goals this month? Xx

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