Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Autumn Reads

Autumn Reads
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
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It's that time of year where all I want to do is curl up in a cosy corner with a mug of tea and my dog and read all of the books. I just love the idea of sitting by a window, with the leaves falling, and getting completely lost in a book. But in all honesty it's been a very long time since I've done that. And this year, for the first time in a very, very long time, I’ve actually done it. I  have read loads! Loads!  I haven’t read like this since before I went to university, and ultimately, destroyed my concentration and ability to focus on anything that wasn't instagram for longer than 30 seconds. Over the last six weeks I've made reading a serious priority, and have really reminded myself of how much I fucking love books and reading. I love it so much. Why did I stop? Anyway here's just some of the books I've read and loved recently.

If you love a slightly trashy but compelling crime novel (my fave!) then look no further (is that a pun?!) Told from the perspective of both sides, No Further Questions is a courtroom drama, about sisters, Martha and Becky, who are embroiled in a court case, where one of them - Becky - stands accused of murdering the other’s baby. Despite the quite dark subject matter, not going to lie I don’t love reading about children being murdered, I was completely consumed by the story, which drew me in from the very first page and kept me reading until the bitter end. It’s a fantastic read.

What Would The Spice Girls Do? by Lauren Bravo

What Would The Spice Girls Do? is an exploration of the Spice Girls and their undeniable impact on pop culture and, not to be overdramatic, the world. More importantly, it's about the Girl Power generation and how we grew up. 

I was only five when Wannabe came out and set the world on fire, so I am a fully paid up member of the Girl Power generation and a former Baby Spice wannabe. I grew up with the Spice Girls. I was obsessed with them. I loved them! And I loved reading this book because of that. Reading it was so nostalgic, because I lived it all. I was obsessed, I had the dolls, I had the photo cards, I had the Impulse body spray, I ate the crisps and I even had an unofficial blue Spice Girls t-shirt that my mum got me from the market. And you probably did too. 

Now even if you didn't love the Spice Girls - you did, you know you did! - it's still a fascinating and hilarious read. It's whip-smart, hilariously funny and stridently feminist without being preachy. I'm a total Lauren Bravo fangirl, and the way she writes is just *italian chef finger kiss* It's brilliant.

Set inside a Women's Clinic in Mississippi which has been taken over by a shooter, A Spark of Light is an incredible book about abortion and the different arguments on either side of this very contentious topic. Starting at the end, the story works backwards and is told from multiple perspectives, including that of the shooter. It's very cleverly and sensitively done, but it's also incredibly well written. I'm reading it at the moment, and I'm about half way through but I'm finding it to be a really compelling read. It's utterly addictive and compelling but thought provoking and incredibly relevant. I think it's amazing and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen. 

You don't have to be a fan of Lily Allen's - I wasn't particularly, I am now - to think that her autobiography is a spectacular piece of work. It's honestly incredible and I wasn't expecting to be as emotionally invested in it as I was. My Thoughts Exactly is Lily's answer to all the tabloid stories and trolling and all other horrible bull shit she faces on a day-to-day basis. It's her story told  in her words, and those words are bloody brilliant. She's very open and honest, to the point where it's painful  at times, but she's also funny and warm, and her story is really moving. I loved it.

Okay, so this is the only one I haven't read yet, but it's next on my reading list. Lately, like the rest of the world, I've become a bit obsessed with Busy Phillips. Her autobiography, This Will Only Hurt a Little, from what I've heard, is funny, brutally honest, refreshing, heartbreaking and awesome. I cannot wait to get stuck in. 

So those are my reading recommendations, what are yours? Let me know xxx

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

October Goals

October Goals
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
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Time has just slipped away from me these past few months. Everytime I think I’ve got a second to slow down and take a breath, another three weeks flies by. Honestly, cliched as it may to be to start a blog post this way, and it bloody is let’s be honest, but the speed at which this year has gone is nothing short of terrifying. But seeing as we’re here, already two weeks into October, let’s talk Goals shall we? 

Be happy 

I’ve realised recently that I spend a lot of time doing bullshit things that actively make me unhappy. Things that don’t make a lot of sense. Like waiting until the absolute last minute to get up in the morning so getting to work is a stressful, rushed mess, or not eating particularly well, or most frustratingly, spending hours and hours mindlessly scrolling through twitter or instagram. It’s exhausting. And the worst part is that I’m so busy doing bullshit things that I’m neglecting to do the things that I like and  that make me happy. Like going to the gym and playing my guitar. So I need to do more of the things that make me happy, less of the shit that doesn’t and maybe get a bit more sleep. That’s the secret to happiness, right? 

Be organised

I’m moving house in five weeks, and I’ve done nothing. Not a thing. I’ve started buying stuff, because obviously, but other than that nothing. And I just know that the next five weeks are going to fly by. The worst part is I’ve been living in my current house for 20 years and there is so much stuff shit that needs to be sorted through and got rid of. Dreading this already. 


It’s time I put my hands up and admit that I’m not very good at commitment. Not in the relationship sense, or in any other sense for that matter. My mind is incredibly changeable. I pick things up and put them down again in seconds. It’s like I’ve got the world’s shortest attention span. BUT I am quite a creative person and have tons of ideas and things that I want to do that won’t ever get done unless I actively commit to them and myself. So commit, Lauren, you silly arse! 

What are your goals this month? Xx

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