Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Three Hours in Copenhagen

Forgive me readers for I have sinned. I haven't blogged in a long time, well over a month.  Things have been so crazy busy lately that my blog was placed firmly on the back burner until things settled. However life is showing no sign of slowing down - I'm really not complaining, it's incredible! - so  I will be making a conscious effort to make more time for blogging. For now I will be sticking to my normal routine -Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays - but I'll let you know if anything changes.

Anyway now that's out of the way let's talk about last week, because last week was amazing. Pinch me, I'm dreaming amazing. On Tuesday I flew out to Copenhagen for the day for a really exciting work event. The event itself, a skincare launch, was incredible. - Side note: the fact that I'm getting to go to these kind of events is unreal. It's a dream come true and I am loving every second! - After the event finished I had about three hours to explore Copenhagen before my flight home, and there was one thing that I really, really wanted to see, and have done for most of my life... the Little Mermaid Statue!

It was a really beautiful day, freezing cold but sunny, and googlemaps said the statue was only 45 minutes away so I walked. I think the best way to discover a new place is on foot, that and I was too scared to use public transport on my own. I really didn't want to get lost.

I did end up getting lost after googlemaps took me an hour and a half out of the way. At the time it was really annoying but I got to see some amazing things including Nyhavn - the famous colourful houses by the canal, Churchill Parken which was beautiful and has some incredible statues.  I was such a tourist, stopping every couple of minutes to take photos. I eventually got to the Little Mermaid. I was there long enough to get a bit teary eyed, snap some pictures before having to get a taxi back to Copenhagen airport but it was incredible and I had the best time.

What have you been up to lately? Let me know by commenting below - I always reply so check back -, on twitter, or dropping me an email at lolarocknroses@gmail.com. Also check out my instagramfacebookbloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

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