Tuesday, 1 November 2016

October Goals 2016 Update

October has sped by in a mad blur. I ended up setting my goals halfway through the month, but even though it's only been two weeks I'm very pleased to say that there has been some positive progress. I don't actually think that I have any negatives to report this month. #winning.

If you haven't read my October Goals (you can here) my main Goals for this month were to:

1. Watch Breaking Bad 
2. Get some sleep
3. Post all content on time
4. Drink more water
5. Read more 
6. Up my gym game
7. Continue losing weight

Apart from the odd hiccup here and there I've stuck to them, for the most part. Either way I'm really pleased. So let's go through them in order. Firstly Breaking Bad, I've just started season 2. Now honestly I don't think I'm enjoying it any more than I did the first time I tried to watch it, but I am getting through episodes much quicker than I was, so by that logic I must be. It is good and I love Jesse. Although it has to be said it has interrupted my sleep. Speaking of, my sleeping pattern is still not perfect. I don't think it will ever be... I'm a messed up sleeper, but it is better. I'm still having trouble falling asleep and then staying asleep, and some nights I'm wide awake until four in the morning but I am trying to combat it by getting up at my normal time, regardless of how I slept the night before. So I'm gonna call it a win, even though I'm still tired.

Posting all my content on time is the one I struggled the most with, again. However there has been significant improvement in the past two weeks. I missed a post last week and uploaded one late, other than that everything else went up when I wanted it to, so again calling that one a win. When it came to drinking more water I was really worried about how I would track it, because I've never kept tabs on my water consumption before. I did try to keep a tally but I didn't really stick to it. So instead I've made a conscious effort to drink more water and replace tea, I drink a lot of tea, with water, and it seems to be working.

So onto reading, I actually thought this would be the easiest because I love reading, but I struggled to make time for it. I'm a very busy woman (HA!)  Having said that I did manage to read a couple of books, We Were On a Break by Lindsey Kelk and Jemima. J. by Jane Green, and I'm halfway through The Beauty of the End by Debbie Howatt, which I'm really enjoying. I've also put a load of new books on to my kindle, so that should keep me busy for a while.

Upping my gym game is the goal that I'm probably the most proud of, because seriously I never thought that I would have any kind of gym game at all, let alone one that I wanted to up. I've been working out a lot in the last couple of months but it had got to the point where I'd plateaued and my work out was getting a bit, dare I say it?, easy. I've since sat down with one of the trainers and he has given me a work out that quite frankly terrifies me. BUT as hard as it is, and it's gruelling, I can do it and one day it will be easy. I'm very proud of that. That brings me to my final goal, continue losing weight, which I have done. It's almost frustratingly slow but the last couple of weeks have seen some progress. Sometimes, especially when it comes to things like losing weight and improving myself, I really feel like I'm swimming through treacle, especially when progress is really slow. I tend to lose sight of why I'm doing it, and then I want to give up, so it's nice to remind myself that any progress is progress. A step in the right direction, even a small step, is still a step in the right direction. 

That's how I got on this month, sorry to ramble, how did you do with your goals? Let me know by commenting below - I always reply so check back -, on twitter, or dropping me an email at lolarocknroses@gmail.com. Also check out my instagramfacebookbloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

Love love love xxx

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