Sunday, 16 October 2016

October Goals 2016

It's a bit late in the month for me to be setting goals, life hasn't really slowed down quite as much as I wanted it too - I haven't even been going to the gym as much lately - but I thought I would do it anyway, we still have 15 days left of October for me to try and make a dent in them.  

Watch Breaking Bad

I started watching Breaking Bad last year and I got really into it and then I lost interest about half way through the third season. My sister's recently watched it and has been raving about it and I know loads of people who have watched and loved it, so I want give it another go to see what all the fuss is about. Now seems like the time to do it because it's cold out and the nights are getting longer.

Get some sleep!

Since I started working for myself my sleeping habits have gone to hell in a hand basket. I've never been a great sleeper. There've been a few times where I've completely reversed my sleeping pattern and was actually nocturnal for a while, and then there was the time I only got 12 hours sleep over 10 days. Struggling with sleep is nothing new for me, but I'm not 18 anymore and the days when I could function on 20 minutes sleep and 6 cans of full fat Coke are long since over, for one thing I try not to drink Coke anymore. In the last couple of weeks I have really effed up my sleeping habits and haven't been falling asleep until 4 in the morning which then means I accomplish basically nothing during the day which I then try to make it up for it at night and then the whole vicious cycle begins again. I need to sort this out, because it's not healthy and it's driving me insane.

Post all content on time

I tried to do this last month and it didn't exactly go to plan, so I'm gonna try again. Now I've had a bit of a break from blogging for the past two weeks, but from the day this post goes up (Sunday) I want to be on top of my blog and have all my content up on time. The lack of sleep is partly to blame but I do need to be more organised, like I said life has been manic but the break did me good and gave me time to think, so I have a load of ideas for posts all of which will be up on time. 

Drink more water 

Lately I've been getting a lot of headaches and I think it's because I haven't drunk enough water. The only time I drink water is when I'm at the gym, other that it's tea and Fanta Zero, which don't do much when it comes to actual hydration but taste soooo good. So I want to significantly increase my water intake. I have no idea how I'm gonna track this though, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. 
Read more

I've always really loved reading, ever since I was a tiny little girl and taught myself to read Dear Zoo, I still maintain it's the best picture book ever! That's why I studied English Literature in the first place because I've always loved reading and I've always loved books. But after 4 years of non-stop reading, some of which I loved - Art Spiegelman's Maus is incredible! - but most I hated - I'm looking at you Moby Dick! - it's kind of killed my love for reading. I used to go through a book a day easily, sometimes even two, and now it's rare for me to pick up a book unless I'm on holiday. I do still read but not nearly as much and that makes me really sad. So I'd like to be reading a book a week at least. A while back I put up  a post called 5 Books to Read on Holiday and I've read one of the books on that list and that's it so that's where I'm gonna start.

I've got a few other goals that I want to work on that are quite similar to the goals I had last month (read those here) I want to continue losing weight, I want to up my gym game, I want to be able to play Runaway Train by Soul Asylum on the guitar in it's entirety. There's quite a few but these are the main ones I will be focusing on. 

What are your October Goals? How are you getting on? Let me know by commenting below - I always reply so check back -, on twitter, or dropping me an email at Also check out my instagramfacebookbloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

Love love love xxx

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