Thursday, 8 September 2016

4 Blogs I Love

Reading blogs is my favourite way to pass the time. Well reading blogs, food, working out (IKR!) and surfing Youtube & Buzzfeed... that's pretty much how I spend my time these days. I trawl for new content to read on an almost daily basis, and there are hundreds of thousands of blogs emerging on the internet every single day, so what makes me want to continue reading? Well there are a few things that keep me coming back for more: clear and beautiful pictures, a good writing style, honesty(!), a user friendly lay out and the blogger being easy to find on social media, because when I fall for a blog I fall hard and want them on every platform possible... that 's normal right? Anyway these are 4 of the blogs I have been absolutely loving lately for these very reasons. 

Makeup Savvy -

Makeup Savvy is one of the very first blogs I started reading way back when and to this day it remains a firm favourite, and one of the few blogs I read religiously - Fleur De ForceThe Anna Edit, Lily Pebbles and Estée Lalonde being the others! - Fee's pictures are lovely, she gives the best blogging advice and her eBay bargain posts are fantastic and some of my very favourite to read! I love the way she writes too, honest, but very friendly and approachable, it's just like you're having a natter with her over a cup of tea, while she shows you the make up she loves. 

The Sunday Girl -

The Sunday Girl is one of my first ports of call when I want to know how a product performs, because she offers really in-depth beauty reviews on a daily basis - seriously you have to admire that level of commitment! - her writing is refreshingly honest and incredibly detailed and her photo game is strong. 

Britton Loves -

I came across Lauren's blog recently, after seeing the work she's been doing with Anna from The Anna Edit,  or the blogger formerly known as Vivianna does Makeup, and Lily Pebbles, and have been an avid reader ever since. Her photos are absolutely stunning! Seriously, they are gorgeous and the kind of photos I would kill to say were mine - I won't though - she's very relatable and I love reading her posts, I drop everything to read them when a new one shows up in my bloglovin feed.  

Meg Says -

A recent find, I know have I been living under a rock?!, but one I keep coming back to due to the spot on copy, gorgeous pictures and the general feeling that if we ever met me and Meg would become blogger besties, she just seems so nice and really sweet. The illustration on the website is gorgeous and I really like her youtube videos too. I'm a big fan of Meg and what she says. 

What are your favourite blogs? Any recommendations for me? Let me know by commenting below, on twitter, or dropping me an email at Also check out my instagramfacebookbloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

Love love love xxx

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