Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Lola Rocks #3 ... The Live Music Edit

I have seen a lot of live music, like a lot, a lot. I try to see at least one live act a year but most years it's way more than that. In 2011 I went to loads of festivals and saw roughly 28 live acts and it was a really good year. 2012 was the best year though because I saw my favourite everything, the Boss Almighty himself... Bruce Springsteen! And then I saw him again in 2013 and he was - and continues to be - the best musician I have ever seen!

Anyway I thought I'd put together a list of the Top 5 bands/musicians that I want to see this year.

The Killers 


The Killers basically got me through my dissertation last year but for some reason or other I've never got round to seeing them live and I desperately want to change that.  Sadly it doesn't look like they're  touring anytime soon so it might not happen this year but I will definitely see them live. At some point.



Kodaline is my current obsession and I'm dying to see them live. Their touring at the moment but the only UK date I can get to is next week and I really can't afford it but I will see them before the year is out! 

One Republic 

I always forget how much I like One Republic and then a song will pop up on my iPod and I'll remember that they haven't released a song I don't like, and then I have a One Republic binge.  I've wanted to see them for a while but have just never got round to it. They're touring in Canada at the moment and I'm hoping they'll end up in the UK soon. 

Flogging Molly 

I have wanted to see Flogging Molly for years! Since I first heard If I Ever Leave This World Alive in P.S. I Love You. I've listened to a couple of their other songs and I just really like them and I bet going to one of their gigs would be so much fun!

The National 

I love The National! They're music is heartbreaking and amazing, and I would just be in tears the whole time if I ever saw them in concert but it would be WORTH IT!

Who are the bands you want to see live this year? What was the best live music experience you've had? Let me know on twitter, by commenting below or even dropping me an email at lolarocknroses@gmail.com. I'll be back on Thursday, until then have yourselves a lovely week & check out my social media (instagram, facebook, Bloglovin & pinterest)

Love love love xxx

*Disclaimer* I own none of the videos featured in this post. Videos used for entertainment purposes only

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