Friday, 8 August 2014

Friday I'm in Love #8

Well Hello There! I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you Friday, where have you been all week? Well now that I have got that moment of madness out of the way how are you all? Hope everyone's had a fabulous week! I've been super busy this week - saw Guardians of the Galaxy and loved it! - and I am so ready for some R&R this weekend. So ready. But before I get down to the business of the world's longest lie in I thought I would share my loves for the week. You ready? Let's do this thing. 

The Real Techniques Base Shadow and Deluxe Crease Brushes from the Starter Set

 (The Base Shadow Brush - I could not get a decent picture of this brush for neither Love nor Money)

(The Deluxe Crease Brush - insert heart eyed emoji)

Some of you will know that I have been going through something of a Real Techniques obsession of late. The Starter Set is the most recent addition to my growing collection and I have to say I really like them. I have been using the Base Shadow Brush and the Deluxe Crease Brush everyday for the past week and they are so good. They are so soft and fluffy, the Deluxe Crease Brush in particular feels like I'm applying my eye shadow with a cloud. Now I am no stranger to a smokey eye but these brushes make it so easy. Obsessed. 

Benefits They're Real Push-Up Liner 

I reviewed this quite frankly awesome eyeliner on Monday (read it here) so I won't go into too much detail. I love it. It's long lasting, super easy to apply and in my opinion worth every penny of the eye watering prize tag. 

So that brings me to my SOTW and I have a few so... brace yourselves (bit creepy, sorry!)

I Don't Know Why I Love You by House of Love 

It would have been so, so much fun to come of age in the the early 90's. The music was awesome. This song is the most 90's thing to ever... 90's. I didn't really know how to finish that sentence.  I heard it in The To Do List - which is an awesome and incredibly underrated film - and I was immediately hooked. I heard it and then scoured the internet trying to find out what it was. I really love moody 90's music and this definitely fits the bill. 

Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith 

Oh Paloma... I wouldn't really describe myself as a fan of Paloma's but every now and then she brings out a song and I realise that actually I kind of worship her. Girl can sing. This is my current Paloma obsession. I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm a hopeless romantic (read about it here, here and here) and hopeless romantics, like myself, love nothing more than unrequited or doomed love and this song just smacks of it. I'm also obsessed with the music video, Paloma (yeah we're on a first name basis) looks stunning - I love the 40's vintage fashion. Beautiful. It's a gorgeous, gorgeous song.

Speaking of gorgeous songs another favourite of mine is Gun Shot by Lykke Li

Oh this song. This song gives me all the feels. All of them. I love Lykke Li, her songs are so... scandinavian. Which makes sense given that Lykke Li is Swedish. They're quite dark and moody but they are amazing. This is currently my favourite of hers but I also love No One Ever Loved and Possibility. I love her. 

So those were my loves this week. What did you think? Agree? Disagree? I only just realised they were both eye products. Duh. Anyway let me know by comment below or on twitter using the hashtags #FridayIminLove or #FIIL. Also I've talked quite a bit about music this week. So if you want to share your music faves use the hashtag #LolaRocks. If you do comment I do always reply so do check back. 

Sorry it's so late tonight. We've had some lightning round these parts and it's knackered up my wifi. Still better late than never. I will (hopefully) be getting some posts up over the weekend, my July Favourites and a Pay Day Haul post from a little spending spree I had last weekend. But if you can't wait till then check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & pinterest for your daily fix of Lolarocknroses. 

Love love love xxx

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