Saturday, 14 June 2014

Friday I'm in Love #3

Sorry this is a day late had a bit of a hectic week but I hope everyone's had a lovely week and is enjoying the weekend. I'm now all moved out of my uni flat and am back at home, ready to start work on Monday. Can't quite believe it's all over. But enough about that. This week marks the third week anniversary of Friday I'm in Love, which I am weirdly super excited about. So let's dive straight into the things I've been loving this week. (I apologise about the crappy pictures - half of them were taken in my flat where the light is much better and the rest were taken in my room at home where the light is terrible.)

MAC Blush in Dame 

I bought this when I went to New York, nearly two years ago now, and it's not even close to running out yet. It is the most beautiful, rosy shade of pink that somehow manages to brighten up my ghostly pale complexion leaving me with dewy-looking, rosy cheeks. The consistency is beautiful, not at all chalky and it goes on like an absolute dream. I went home for the weekend a while back and left this behind and I was completely and utterly lost without it. I ended up buying like three blushers, none of which suited me quite the way this one does. It is my (whisper it) favourite blusher ever.

Paul Costelloe totebag 

Image via 

I got this for my birthday back in April and have been too afraid to use it for two reasons. 1) I am the clumsiest thing in the world and I don't want to hurt it because it's just so pretty and 2) it's too fancy for me. However recently I overcame this fear and fell totally in love with it.  Not only is it beautiful on the outside it's beautiful on the inside too as the lining is bloody gorgeous. I can fit literally everything in it (as someone who does not travel light this is essential in my handbags.)  I love it and I'm so glad that I was brave enough to use it, gladder still that I didn't end up hurting it. 

MUA eyeshadow pallet in Undressed 

I raved about Undressed's more neutral sister pallet Heaven & Earth in this weeks 2 Stars & A Wish. But I've since had the chance to test out Undressed and surprise, surprise I loved it. The colours are lovely, the shadows last a really long time without creasing, it's just gorgeous. MUA is one of my favourite drug store brands. From what I've experienced their make up is of a really good quality and cheap as chips... winner. 

Apple Cinnamon Tea


A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with ARD (Acid Reflux Disease) which basically means that I produce too much stomach acid (eww) particularly when I'm stressed and it makes me feel sick or like I'm gonna be sick all the time. Mostly it only rears it's ugly head when I am really stressing out or anxious, but certain things can exacerbate it and surprisingly milk is one of them so I had to give up  tea. As you can imagine I was devastated, being both British and a human, since then I have been looking for a tea to replace my morning cuppa and this is an excellent substitute. It's absolutely delicious and smells like Christmas and autumn and happiness.  Not only that but the health benefits are amazing. Apple tea is known to strengthen the immune system -I swear I haven't had a single cold since I started drinking it. It also helps fight arthritis, reduces the risk of certain cancers and lowers cholestrol. Combine that with the benefits of Cinnamon tea - which works as an anti-imflammatory, improves circualation and  fights viruses, to name but a few of it's properties - and you have Super Tea (sorry that was lame!). I love it, it's yummy and at 74p from Tesco it's a total bargain.

House MD 

Image Via

I know I am about 10 years late to the party with this one but being the loser t.v. addict that I am I had officially run out of good tv to watch. Until I discovered the wonder that is Dr. Gregory House. I only started watching this on Wednesday but have already finished season 1 because it is so good and I've been binge watching it. Plus I have a not so secret crush on Hugh Laurie (that doesn't scream out Daddy issues at all, not even a little bit). The writing is brilliant, the acting (particularly from Hugh Laurie) is more so and it's excellent television.  

SOTW: Running Wild by Jules Larson

This song came out in 2012 but I first heard it on Tuesday in the trailer for the film The Best of Me - which I cannot wait to see! I loved the book, I'm a big Nicholas Sparks fan. Even though his books are a tad formulaic they're still always lovely!- Anyway this song is just so uplifting and lovely. It's the kind of song that makes me wish I was in love (alas! sadly I am not) but it's so sweet and happy. I love it. 

So those were my loves for the week. Let me know what you've been loving over the past 7 days using the hashtag #FridayIminLove. Again I apologise for the lateness. I'll be back on Monday where I will be talking about the dangers of the RomCom. Intrigued? You should be! Tehehe. 

Until then check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram and pinterest

Love love love xxx

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