Sunday, 21 July 2013

I am my hair!

I am my hair!
Sunday, 21 July 2013
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I have been planning this post for a while. In previous posts I have briefly touched on my hair and how I both love and hate it. Well I had my iPod on shuffle the other day when Hair by Lady Gaga came on. For those of you who don't know the song is about...well hair funnily enough but not just that, it's about how a girl's hair can be so intrinsically linked with her identity. Now I think we can all agree that Lady Gaga is very wise. Hair is so important to a girl is it not?

For me my hair is a source of both love and hate. When it behaves - and this is a rarity - I adore my hair. BUT when it doesn't - which is a far more regular occurrence - I hate it. So much so that sometimes all I want to do is take a pair of scissors to it. Not that I ever would because I could not pull off a pixie cut and the idea whilst tempting at times is more than a little bit mental.

My hair behaving itself!

Anyway my hair is difficult to tame, it spirals out of my head in mad strawberry coloured curls and when it is hot it has a tendancy to frizz out beyond any measure of control and fill me with loathing at the sight of it. It also costs an absolute fortune to maintain - somewhere in the region of £30-£40 per month! Ouch! - But you know what that's ok. In fact it is more than ok. Because it's my hair and it makes me different. I know hair should not be such a defining feature but it is for me.

I honestly believe hair can really affect the way a person thinks and feels about themselves. I'll give you an example: my natural hair colour is a sad mousy brown colour, I think if depression had a colour it would be my natural hair colour. Anyway before I had the courage to start experimenting with different hair colours I felt ... invisible. No one could see me. Now just before I started university I decided to change my hair colour, I decided to go blonde. I have been blonde before and had lots of normal highlights before. But say it was awful is a huge understatement.

I had wanted a pretty honey colour what I got was toxic orange. It took my step-mum (who is as an actual hairdresser) putting a lot of highlights through my hair to change the colour from toxic orange to an incredibly brassy blond (see above). Even though I hated my hair that colour when I later put brown over it, I felt like I completely disappeared.

Whilst I didn't hate my hair this colour I felt like such a Plain Jane. Like I blended into the background, and I really hated that feeling. At least when my hair was that rather vicious shade of yellow I was visible. So then to red and as soon as I had dried my hair and I saw the awesomeness that was now my hair colour I realised I had found.... the one.

(I think we can all agree that red was the right decision.)

You'll notice that in two of these pictures my hair is straightened into submission and another one it has been curled, I only have one picture of what my hair is like now -the top one - but it has taken a really, really long time for me to accept my hair for all of it's wonderful, frizzy madness and Lady Gaga I could not have done it without you.

Yes my hair is wild and totally uncontrollable and a force to be reckoned with. But so am I!

So in the words of the wonderful Lady Gaga..."I'M MY HAIR YEAH YEAH YEAH!"

Until next time my lovely readers you can find and follow me on twitterfacebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest.

Love love love xxxx
Saturday, 6 July 2013

What Would Beyonce do?

What Would Beyonce do?
Saturday, 6 July 2013
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I apologise for my prolonged absence, I could use a number of excuses but the truth is I just haven't had the motivation recently. Nail varnish isn't inspiring the words it once did. But I am back now, ready to turn over a new leaf and get my creative juices flowing. And I have one person to thank for this...


I bet no one saw that coming. Now I have mentioned some of my girl crushes before and as a firm believer of spreading lady love I have extolled the many virtues of some of these glorious women (read it here). But Beyoncé...she absolutely takes the cake.

Is there anything Beyoncé can't do? I was thinking this after I went to see the movie Epic - it certainly lived up to it's name - and I just thought yes in fact there is something Beyoncé can't do - actually doesn't do is more accurate - she doesn't give up. If Beyoncé wants something she goes out and works her determined and fabulous arse off for it until she gets it. She doesn't give up at the first sign of trouble. And from now on neither will I.

I have been told before that I tend to give up too easily even if it's something I really want or care about. Sadly I am a bit of quitter. Well no more. I don't want to look back on my life years from now and hate the fact that I gave up on something I really loved because it was too hard or because I didn't have the time for it. From now I shall be making time for my blog and for all the other things that I want to do but thought would be too hard or time consuming. Not to spout a load of clichés but nothing worth doing is easy and life is too short not to grab it by the back of the neck and give it a great big kiss on the lips and that is what I will be doing from now on and whenever I feel myself slipping back into my old habits and giving up at the first hurdle I will think of one simple thing to keep me on track: What Would Beyoncé Do?! WWBD?!

Mrs Carter you have taught me a valuable lesson, thank you xxx

I promise guys you will be hearing a lot more of me from now on. I am sorry.

Until next time people check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest xxx
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