Saturday, 14 December 2013

Out of this World: Review of Rimmel London Space Dust!

Out of this World: Review of Rimmel London Space Dust!
Saturday, 14 December 2013
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Once again I succumbed to the oh so tempting 3for2 in Boots. And I have these Space Dust polishes to show for it. Now everyone who reads this blog knows that I am partial to nail polish and I just had to have these Space Dust polishes. Rimmel recently released their new Space Dust polishes and I (and the rest of the beauty blogging world) was desperate to get my hands on them.

L-R:  Rimmel London Space Dust in Moon Walking, Luna Love & Total Eclipse

Rimmel London Space Dust in Luna Love (Pink), Moon Walking (Purple) & Total Eclispe (Dark Green)

On my left hand I used Luna Love on my pinkie and index fingers and my thumb, on my middle finger I used Moon Walking and Total Eclipse on my ring finger.

Rimmel London Space Dust in Moon Walking (Purple), Luna Love (Pink), & Total Eclipse (Dark Green)

 With the Christmas Party season just about to get into full swing these are absolutely perfect for any festive simple but sparkly nail art. My personal favourite was Moon Walking as it only took two coats to be completely opaque and seemed to be the most sparkly. However Luna Love and Total Eclipse were equally as gorgeous but took 4 coats to be opaque. I foolishly didn't apply a top coat so my nails only lasted a day before they began to chip. However I did re-do them with a top coat and it lasted much longer.

What do you think? Will you be giving Space Dust a try? I definitely think you should :)

Lots of love & Christmas Spirit x

P.S. Check me out on twitter, facebook, Bloglovin, instagram & pinterest :)

Love love love xxx

Monday, 18 November 2013

Revenge of the Nerds: Reclaiming My Title!

Revenge of the Nerds: Reclaiming My Title!
Monday, 18 November 2013
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My name is Lauren and I am a nerd! Now when I say that I'm a nerd I don't mean that I spend all day walking around in a t-shirt with the word geek on it claiming to be a geek I actually mean it. I love comic books and knitting and I have always been an enormous and unashamed fan of Harry Potter. I love nothing more than a good book. I am a lover of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and I adore British Comedy from the late 80's and early 90's. I love The Simpsons and have bone china mugs with Homer Simpsons face on. I ADORE Doctor Who and it is my mission in life to be a companion, preferably to Matt Smith's Doctor but that's not really a possibility anymore. I live and breathe music, I sing non-stop! I love baking and up until recently the highlight of my week was The Great British Bake Off. I also love quoting things that no one else gets and I usually burst out laughing before I reach the punch line of a joke.

None of these things I think make me a geek. What makes me a geek is the fact that I have never ever been ashamed of the fact that I like these things. That is the sign of a true geek unashamed delight and passion.

Simon Pegg said it perfectly...


I don't know if you've noticed that in the last 2 years or so being a geek has become somewhat mainstream and - not to sound petty- I am not happy about it.
Here's why:

   Throughout school I was known as a geek and I was bullied mercilessly to the point where I didn't want to go. I am not ashamed of that fact at all but what really, really get's my back up is that the people at school who judged me so harshly for all my nerdy hobbies and habits are now walking around claiming to be a geek and as a legitimate geek this pisses me off.

Being a geek is about never apologising for the things you like, and I will not now nor will I ever do that. I love knitting and I enjoy comic book films and I have insane crushes on Tom Hiddleston, Andy Samberg,  Jason Segel, Benedict Cumerbatch and Matt Smith. There are people who judge me for this and that's fine BUT don't you dare judge me whilst wearing a hoodie that tells the world you're a geek when you're not!

Yes my rant is petty and at this point a little bit out of date but I am claiming my title back. True Geek and Proud.

What do you think? Do you agree? Or am I just taking it too personally?

Until next time check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest :)

Love, love, love xxx
Friday, 15 November 2013

Never judge a brand by it's price tag

Never judge a brand by it's price tag
Friday, 15 November 2013
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I must confess myself as something of a make up snob. Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore high street brands (so much so that the people in my local Boots know me by name) and my make up stash is made up almost entirely of high street products. Having said that the brands I tend to favour usually come from the higher end of the scale, purely because I have always found better results with those that cost a bit more.

However I was shopping with my friend, fellow shopaholic and enabler the other day when we made a quick detour into Body Care where I was introduced to the brand Technic. The quickest way to my heart is through good music and nail varnish (I have 150) and they had shelves and shelves of nail varnish.

Usually I wouldn't give this brand a second glance, NOT because it looks like it would be awful but because I find it very hard to believe that you can get anything half decent for less than a pound. How very wrong I was. I was like a tiny child in a sweet shop, grabbing at everything and anything and getting thoroughly overexcited. After what seemed like hours of perusing the make up I settled on 3 new nail polishes and a new eyeshadow pallet.

L-R: Carnival, Turkish Sea, Siona Island. B:Electric Beauty Metalix Eyeshadow Pallet, all by Technic

This cost me a total of £5:49! As someone who has spent £70 on nail varnish in one hit (I got into so much trouble that day) this seemed like a total revelation. Desperate to play with my new make up I hurried home and painted my nails in Turkish Sea, using Carnival as an accent.

Nails in Turkish Sea & Carnival by Technic

The nail varnish was fantastic. Two coats and it was completely opaque. I always find glitter polishes difficult because I find it impossible to resist chewing it off but this one wasn't too bad, although it did take a few coats to get a decent amount of glitter. Unfortunately it only lasted a day before it began to chip which is pretty poor, however for the bargain price of £1 a pop I will definitely be adding more Technic products to my collection.

 As a strapped student (with a pretty serious make up habit and an out and out nail polish/lipstick addiction) I sometimes have to make the difficult decision between make up and food, and more often than not make up wins. Well not anymore. Now I can have both :)

Until next time guys for more nail polish related chatter and fun times check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & pinterest.

L0ve love love xxx
Thursday, 14 November 2013

My Top 15 Happy but Mostly Sad Songs

My Top 15 Happy but Mostly Sad Songs
Thursday, 14 November 2013
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On twitter I describe myself as a music blogger BUT I have never actually written about music... well all that is about to change. Music just might be my favourite thing ever. According to the marvellous Jodi Picoult, in her book Sing You Home, the reaction that music inspires in a person is some of the only proof there is such a thing as a soul. I don't know if I believe that but what I can say with absolute certainty is that music means so, so much to me, I love how it can move people, how you can dance to it, cry to it, sing along with it, fall in love to it and with it. I just love it so much. So I have put together a list of my favourite songs and the reasons why I love them. In no particular order or course (I apologise if I gush I'm not good at being critical).

Simple Song by The Shins - some of you may recognise this song from the season 8 finale of How I Met Your Mother, That's where I first heard it and I very, very quickly became obsessed with it. Honestly my play count on this song is ridiculous (triple digits).  It's so beautiful. I can't really describe it better than that.

Mine Again by Black Lab - Everyone has a song that they listen to when they're sad, this is mine. It is the most beautiful song.

Don't Stop Believing by Journey - in stark contrast to the song above, this song is the happiest song on the planet! I have been obsessed with this song since I was 10 years old when I first heard it (briefly) in The Wedding Singer! In the last couple of years or so this song has experienced quite the revival due to a little show called Glee and as much as I love that version (and the subsequent two other versions) nothing beats the original. It feels me with energy and happiness. This could be (whisper it) my favourite song ever!

The Freshmen by The Verve Pipe - a wonderfully moody 90's song. I so wish I had come of age in the 90's. I first heard this song briefly in American Pie: Reunion and it was love at first listen. It's my most played song and for good reason. The lyrics are so sad. It breaks my heart with every listen because it is just so beautiful. I don't know why it resonates so much with me it just does. It's wonderful.

Little Talks by Of  Monsters & Men - the lyrics of this song are deceptively sad! For a long time I didn't realise and then I listened to the lyrics properly and they are absolutely heartbreaking! But they are cleverly disguised by the ridiculously upbeat melody. As far as I can tell - I could be wrong- it's about an elderly couple and one of them has a degenerative disease and they're fighting it together. Like I said I could be wrong but it is so sad.

You Really Got A HoldOn Me by She & Him - Zooey Deschannel's voice is absolutely beautiful and it sets off the lyrics perfectly, it's such a wonderful version of the song. it makes me both happy and sad to hear it. This song is a classic but I love this version. Whilst the original version has quite an upbeat melody this one is more moody and more fitting to the lyrics I think.

Sweet Louise by The Belle Brigade  - This song is so nice. It's so upbeat and happy and it's just such a nice song! I strongly recommend it. It's about a guy who tells a girl, the titular Sweet Louise, that he is madly in love with her, sadly the not so sweet Louise doesn't feel the same but he doesn't regret telling her because he couldn't help it. It's really rather lovely.

Bruise by Oleander - This song has never been officially released,  however it was used in one of the earlier American Pie films, which is where I first heard this song. It's another song that appears to be happy but isn't. I think it's a real shame that it was never officially released as it is a really good song.

Overjoyed by Matchbox Twenty - The first time I heard this song was when I was in New York last year. Me and my mum were walking down West 49th and 5th Avenue looking for pancakes one morning when we stumbled onto Rockefeller Centre and what we found there was the set of Good Morning America and Matchbox 20 performing this song. Not only is it a really, really lovely song with a beautiful music video but whenever I hear it I am transported back to the streets of New York and reminded of what a wonderful time I had and how much I want to go back.

I Need My Girl by The National - The lyrics to this song manage to be complete and utter nonsense and heartbreaking at the same time. I first stumbled across this song in an episode of The Mindy Project and it is just amazing. It makes me cry but for the life of me I couldn't tell you why.

The Funeral by Band of Horses - Another song I heard in How I met your Mother. I owe the person in charge of music a big thank you.  The melody is haunting and beautiful, as are the lyrics.

Feel Again by OneRepublic - This song feels me with love and happiness and other good emotions. I love OneRepublic they haven't released a song that I haven't completely loved but this one is my absolute favourite. It's a happy song that is actually happy.

Girls Like You by The Naked & Famous - Recently I heard this song in a film and I have been listening to it on repeat. It's absolutely wonderful, so wonderful in fact that I was compelled to instantly download their album Passive Me, Aggressive You and listen to it a lot. Which I did and then reviewed.

Falling Slowly from the musical Once - I am a massive  fan of musical theatre, I saw this show back in July and it was so different from all the other shows that I have seen. This song was my favourite. The show is about a (beautiful) Irish man whose heart has recently been broken, he is busking on the streets of Dublin where he meets a Czech girl who falls in love with his music and then him. This is the song they sing when they first meet and it is absolutely beautiful. It had me in tears in the theatre and even now if  it comes on and I' m not prepared for it I get a bit misty eyed.

Let Your Heart Hold Fast by Fort Atlantic -  Ok I am a bit of a sucker for an indie love song. I love them. This song is amazing. It's so happy and sad at the same time. So beautiful.

Sorry I did ramble on a bit there. Music is my love. Creepy I know.What are your favourite songs?

Until next time lovelies feel free to follow me on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & pinterest.

Love love love xxx
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

OPI in Big Apple Red

OPI in Big Apple Red
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
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I was in a really really bad mood the other day, not really sure why was just one of those moods where I just wanted to get in bed and stay there for the rest of my life, you know one of  those moods. Anyway instead of wallowing in a toxic mixture of rage and self pity I went on Pinterest - my new favourite thing - and pinned pictures of New York to my Dreams board to my heart's content whilst listening to songs about New York (it's a helluva town!). As some of you may know last year, round about this time, I fufilled a lifelong dream and went to New York for my 21st birthday and it was love at first sight! And now whenever I am in a hideous mood  I daydream about New York and I feel so much better! 

Anyway back to my bad turned good mood, I was listening to Lea Michele and Melissa Benoist's glorious cover of New York State of Mind (listen to it here) and I was filled with so much love for New York that I had to express it. My I  NY t-shirt was in the wash and I am rubbish at nail art but I was in the mood to do my nails so I did. Using OPI nail lacquer in Big Apple Red of course!

OPI in Big Apple Red

OPI is a firm favourite of mine and I think this rather sassy shade of red might be my (whisper it) favouritest nail varnish of all time! I really love it! I love OPI although I have found that they last much longer when I do a base coat first.

What do you guys think? Ever used an OPI nail lacquer? Do you love them as much as I do?

Until next time check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest.

Love love love xxx

Sunday, 21 July 2013

I am my hair!

I am my hair!
Sunday, 21 July 2013
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I have been planning this post for a while. In previous posts I have briefly touched on my hair and how I both love and hate it. Well I had my iPod on shuffle the other day when Hair by Lady Gaga came on. For those of you who don't know the song is about...well hair funnily enough but not just that, it's about how a girl's hair can be so intrinsically linked with her identity. Now I think we can all agree that Lady Gaga is very wise. Hair is so important to a girl is it not?

For me my hair is a source of both love and hate. When it behaves - and this is a rarity - I adore my hair. BUT when it doesn't - which is a far more regular occurrence - I hate it. So much so that sometimes all I want to do is take a pair of scissors to it. Not that I ever would because I could not pull off a pixie cut and the idea whilst tempting at times is more than a little bit mental.

My hair behaving itself!

Anyway my hair is difficult to tame, it spirals out of my head in mad strawberry coloured curls and when it is hot it has a tendancy to frizz out beyond any measure of control and fill me with loathing at the sight of it. It also costs an absolute fortune to maintain - somewhere in the region of £30-£40 per month! Ouch! - But you know what that's ok. In fact it is more than ok. Because it's my hair and it makes me different. I know hair should not be such a defining feature but it is for me.

I honestly believe hair can really affect the way a person thinks and feels about themselves. I'll give you an example: my natural hair colour is a sad mousy brown colour, I think if depression had a colour it would be my natural hair colour. Anyway before I had the courage to start experimenting with different hair colours I felt ... invisible. No one could see me. Now just before I started university I decided to change my hair colour, I decided to go blonde. I have been blonde before and had lots of normal highlights before. But say it was awful is a huge understatement.

I had wanted a pretty honey colour what I got was toxic orange. It took my step-mum (who is as an actual hairdresser) putting a lot of highlights through my hair to change the colour from toxic orange to an incredibly brassy blond (see above). Even though I hated my hair that colour when I later put brown over it, I felt like I completely disappeared.

Whilst I didn't hate my hair this colour I felt like such a Plain Jane. Like I blended into the background, and I really hated that feeling. At least when my hair was that rather vicious shade of yellow I was visible. So then to red and as soon as I had dried my hair and I saw the awesomeness that was now my hair colour I realised I had found.... the one.

(I think we can all agree that red was the right decision.)

You'll notice that in two of these pictures my hair is straightened into submission and another one it has been curled, I only have one picture of what my hair is like now -the top one - but it has taken a really, really long time for me to accept my hair for all of it's wonderful, frizzy madness and Lady Gaga I could not have done it without you.

Yes my hair is wild and totally uncontrollable and a force to be reckoned with. But so am I!

So in the words of the wonderful Lady Gaga..."I'M MY HAIR YEAH YEAH YEAH!"

Until next time my lovely readers you can find and follow me on twitterfacebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest.

Love love love xxxx
Saturday, 6 July 2013

What Would Beyonce do?

What Would Beyonce do?
Saturday, 6 July 2013
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I apologise for my prolonged absence, I could use a number of excuses but the truth is I just haven't had the motivation recently. Nail varnish isn't inspiring the words it once did. But I am back now, ready to turn over a new leaf and get my creative juices flowing. And I have one person to thank for this...


I bet no one saw that coming. Now I have mentioned some of my girl crushes before and as a firm believer of spreading lady love I have extolled the many virtues of some of these glorious women (read it here). But Beyoncé...she absolutely takes the cake.

Is there anything Beyoncé can't do? I was thinking this after I went to see the movie Epic - it certainly lived up to it's name - and I just thought yes in fact there is something Beyoncé can't do - actually doesn't do is more accurate - she doesn't give up. If Beyoncé wants something she goes out and works her determined and fabulous arse off for it until she gets it. She doesn't give up at the first sign of trouble. And from now on neither will I.

I have been told before that I tend to give up too easily even if it's something I really want or care about. Sadly I am a bit of quitter. Well no more. I don't want to look back on my life years from now and hate the fact that I gave up on something I really loved because it was too hard or because I didn't have the time for it. From now I shall be making time for my blog and for all the other things that I want to do but thought would be too hard or time consuming. Not to spout a load of clichés but nothing worth doing is easy and life is too short not to grab it by the back of the neck and give it a great big kiss on the lips and that is what I will be doing from now on and whenever I feel myself slipping back into my old habits and giving up at the first hurdle I will think of one simple thing to keep me on track: What Would Beyoncé Do?! WWBD?!

Mrs Carter you have taught me a valuable lesson, thank you xxx

I promise guys you will be hearing a lot more of me from now on. I am sorry.

Until next time people check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest xxx
Monday, 27 May 2013

The Make Up I Could Not Live Without

The Make Up I Could Not Live Without
Monday, 27 May 2013
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I was looking through all my make up the other day, which yes is admittedly a little bit of a strange thing to do. Nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Whilst I was going through my make up bag I noticed all the products I use on a daily basis and there are a lot! So I thought I would share the products I use on a daily basis with you lot.

Rimmel's Apocalips Lip Lacquer in Apocaliptic.

I very quickly became obsessed with Apocalips when they first came out earlier this year. I have 5 of them in Celestial, Nova, Apocaliptic, Stellar and Big Bang but Apocaliptic is by far my favourite. The colour is absolutely stunning and super wearable.

 6 months ago I would have never had the courage to wear this but it is such a fabulous colour that I have nearly used up my first tube. A slick of this fabulous lip lacquer completes my make up and without it I feel a bit lost. What do you think?
MAC False Lashes in Extreme Black

MAC False Lashes in Extreme Black

MAC is one of my favourite brands, when I went to New York last year I stocked up as it is quite pricey but my God is it worth it. This mascara is utterly fabulous, it lengthens and curls the lashes whilst giving absolutely fabulous clump-free coverage.

MAC False Lashes in Extreme Black

MAC is one of my favourite brands, when I went to New York last year I stocked up as it is quite pricey but my God is it worth it. This mascara is utterly fabulous, it lengthens and curls the lashes whilst giving absolutely fabulous clump-free coverage.

Soap & Glory Trick or Treatment

Soap & Glory Trick or Treatment

I have awful sleeping habits. I have reversed my sleeping pattern on more than one occasion and once I went 10 days without a decent night's sleep. Needless to say I looked and felt awful! Now I don't want to jinx myself but recently my sleeping pattern has been fairly good but for those times when I don't get any sleep this concealer works absolute wonders on my under eye baggage. So instead of looking knackered I just feel it and no one is any the wiser that I stayed up until 5 in the morning watching Glee.

Barry M's Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma

Barry M's Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma

I have mentioned this gorgeous nail polish in a previous blog post (you can read it here) and it has become a firm favourite. The colour is absolutely stunning and somehow manages to make even my deathly pale skin seem tanned.

Barry M's Gelly Hi Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma

It only takes two coats to be completely opaque and with a top coat can last up to 4 days without any chips. Seeing that sexy colour on my nails makes me feel so happy. I cannot recommend it enough.

Soap & Glory's Super Fabu-Lipstick in Pom Pom

Soap & Glory's Super Fabu-Lipstick in Pom Pom

Soap & Glory's Super Fabu-Lipstick in Pom Pom

Soap & Glory's Super Fabu-Lipstick in Pom Pom

I am a huge fan of Soap & Glory, their make up is not only beautifully packaged with those gorgeous black and white pin ups but absolutely fabulous too and this lipstick is no exception. On days when I am not wearing Apocaliptic I am wearing this.

Soap & Glory's Super Fabu-Lipstick in Pom Pom

The colour is so pretty and so wearable. However it does dry out my lips a little bit so I apply some lip balm beforehand. If I had to choose only one lipstick to wear for the rest of my life it would be this one. I never ever leave home without it.

Soap & Glory's Hand Food

Soap & Glory's Hand Food

This beautiful smelling hand cream is a handbag staple. As embarrissing as this is to admit I can be a bit of germophobe where my hands are concerned and I wash them quite a lot. So I carry this handcream with me to stop my hands from drying out and becoming sore. It smells so good and works wonders on my poor dehydrated hands.

Collection 2000's Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner

Collection 2000's Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner

To put it simply I could not live happily without this eyeliner, and at only £2.99 it is a total bargain. I have been wearing black eyeliner since I was 14 and in the 8 years since I have found only one eyeliner that I have been able to draw winged liner with, this eyeliner. 

Collection 2000's Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner

Before I found this eyeliner I could never wing my eyeliner without making a total mess. It is absolute fabulous and I would be lost without it.  

Nivea Raspberry Rose Lip Butter

Nivea Raspberry Rose Lip Butter

Until I discovered this gorgeous smelling lip butter I carried tins of Vaseline with me at all times but I really hated the greasy, slimy texture of Vaseline and then I found this which has the smooth, lovely texture of body butter - the clue is in the name (: - and smells of raspberries and happiness. I never go anywhere without it. As I have mentioned twice already it smells utterly divine, but the reason I love it so much is for the intense hydration it provides, it’s the best lip balm I have come across.

Nails Inc in Kensington Park Road

Nails Inc in Kensington Park Road

A couple of weeks back I mentioned a minor shopping spree that resulted in me spending nearly £70 on nail polish, well this beautiful shade of blue was one of those purchased during that particular moment of madness and it's my favourite.

Nails Inc in Kensington Park Road

 Whilst it does say Neon Shade on the bottle there is nothing neon about it. However it is the most gorgeous shade of blue.

Nails Inc in Kensington Park Road

It was opaque after just the one coat but in this picture I did two, it also lasts a good few days. I love the colour so much that this has become a  fast and firm favourite. I use it at least once a week because I love it that much

So guys those are some of my favourite make up and beauty products. What are yours? What products could you not live without?

Until next time please check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest.

Love love love xxx

Monday, 20 May 2013

My name is Lauren and I am addicted to nail polish

My name is Lauren and I am addicted to nail polish
Monday, 20 May 2013
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How the devil are you? I have been so caught up with uni work, revising and actual work that I haven't had time to do my nails in what feels like forever. So today I finally had some free time and decided to try out some of my new varnishes. As you know I have an enormous nail varnish obsession.  My nail varnish collection has gone into the triple digits, 112 to be exact, I don't even want to think about how much money that is.
So I finally had a little bit of time to paint my nails and I have to tell you my nails were in an awful state. They were chipped and raggedy and looked awful. I can't stand it if my nails are even a little bit chipped, so I don't know how I managed to go as long as I did without redoing them.

Anyway even though the weather has taken an annoying turn for the worse in the last couple of days I am still in the mood for summer and that means pastels. I have a lot of pastel colours already but I got paid on Friday and once again I was seduced by the incredibly tempting 3 for 2 in Boots and bought nail polish. No surprises there.

Rimmel Salon Pro Plus in Ultra Violet

Rimmel Salon Pro Plus in Peppermint

Rimmel Salon Pro Plus in Peppermint and Ultra Violet

I used two of my new ones, I bought Rimmel Salon Pro Plus in Peppermint and Ultra Violet. I think the colours look absolutely gorgeous together! What do you think?

I am so happy with the results it only took two coats to be completely opaque and I didn't need to do a white base coat which is a requirement for some polishes, particularly with pastel colours. I am also ridiculously happy that I haven't bitten my nails in just over a month (have you noticed?), and whilst they are still pathetically short they are significantly less so, the downside to this is they are so weak. Does anyone have any tips on how to strengthen nails? If so I would really love to hear them. You can let me know via twitter or by commenting below, if you do comment I try to always reply so do check  back. I love hearing from you :) x

Until next time check me out on twitter, facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & Pinterest

Love love love xxx

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma
Sunday, 5 May 2013
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Just a quick post today as I am drowning in so much work at the moment. Yesterday I had a really horrible essay due in at midnight and my reward for completing this essay was to paint my nails. I bought this colour ages ago but I hadn't used it before because it has not been sunny enough for this sizzling and very sexy shade of orange.

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in Satsuma

I don't think I have ever worn orange nail varnish but this orange is absolutely stunning. I think it might be a new favourite. It even made my ridiculously pale skin seem tanned. It's just gorgeous. I am absolutely obsessed with Gelly Hi-Shine polish by Barry M, all the colours I have are absolutely beautiful and it only takes two coats for them to be opaque.

What do you think? Have you tried Gelly Hi-Shine by Barry M yet? What do you think? And have you noticed that my nails are finally growing? I haven't bitten them in ages I am so proud. 

Love, love, love xxx
Monday, 29 April 2013

Caviar & Pistachio Ice Cream Nails!

Caviar & Pistachio Ice Cream Nails!
Monday, 29 April 2013
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Longtime no blog, I am so sorry about the prolonged silence I have been caught up in horrible assignments for uni that I haven't had time for anything else, but I'm back now (for the time being) and looking forward to catching up on some serious blogging.

As those of you who follow me on twitter will know last week I spent a ridiculous amount of money on nail varnish, and by ridiculous I mean somewhere in the region of £66.60 plus another £3 on a bottle of MUA Nail Constellations bringing my grand total to a whopping £69.60, wow that's a lot more money than I thought. No one tell my mum.

Anyway I bought a lot of nail varnish and today I decided that I wanted to try caviar nails, and they are amazing!

L-R: MUA Nail Constellations, MUA in Pistachio Ice Cream, O.P.I Nail Lacquer in Alpine Snow

I am loving that we are finally having some sunshine and what's more I am loving pastel colours at the moment. I decided to road test one of my new MUA polishes as I have never tried any MUA products before. I used Pistachio Ice Cream because it is just the prettiest pale green, that and the nail beads I bought were turquoise and green and I thought that would work really well.

O.P.I Nail Lacquer in Alpine Snow

On first application it was quite watery so I took it off and did two coats of O.P.I Nail Lacquer in Alpine Snow (see above.)

MUA in Pistachio Ice Cream

Before reapplying two coats of Pistachio Ice Cream and voila completely opaque. I thought the colour was totally gorgeous and was even tempted to leave it but I really wanted to try MUA's Nail Constellations.

Initially I was going to try caviar-ing (that's not a word but it really should be) all of my nails but after having tried one I decided against it. Too much would have been major overkill. While the paint on my ring finger was still wet I poured the beads onto my nail and gently pressed them into the polish with my finger. It is so ridiculously easy that I managed it without too many problems however it is so messy, I am still finding beads all over my bedroom and this was hours ago.

MUA in Pistachio Ice Cream & MUA Nail Constellations

The picture doesn't do justice to how awesome my nails looked BUT sadly it doesn't last long, a big concern for me, as a slowly rehabilitating nail biter, was that I would be tempted to chew it off the way I do with glitter polishes but it didn't last long enough for me to do that. I washed my hands once and most of the beads had gone which was a little bit disappointing. If I was doing my nails for a special occasion I would get up early (perish the thought) to do them that day and pray that I wouldn't chew it all off.

What do you think? Would you try Caviar Nails? Have you? And does anyone have any tips to stop nail biting? I'm slowly getting there but I’m still tempted. You can contact me on here or twitter, and while you’re there check me out on facebook, BlogLovin, instagram & pinterest.

 Love love love xxx
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